Innovation and R&D are the Cornerstone of Belleli operations and are the main Focus in order to ensure sustainability and growth of our business in the future. We endeavour our most qualified engineers and specialists to develop the most advanced solutions in our range of activity in the Critical Process Equipment field.
Belleli always had particular attention and care for Engineering, considering it as one of the Key factor for client satisfaction.
With over 70 years of experience in design and fabrication, the Belleli Energy CPE Engineering Team is fully qualified to carry out any type of design activities such as:
- Mechanical design
- Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
- Fracture mechanics analysis
- Static analysis in steady and unsteady conditions
- Fatigue analysis
- Creep Fatigue damage evaluation
- Thermo-hydraulic design of heat transfer system
- 3D simulations
- Thermal analysis
- Reverse Engineering
Furthermore thanks to the accumulated experience and the presence of skilled people and specialist within the Engineering Team, we are able to assist our Licensors for the development of new equipment or the design improvement of the existing ones.
Applicable design Codes
and Main Standards
ASME (Sect.I, Sect. III, Sect. VIII – Div.I, II, III)
EN 13445
PD 5500
Computer Aided Design System
Graphic and drawing software:
- AutoCAD for 2DDrawing, Autodesk
- Inventor for 3D Drawing, Autodesk
Mechanical code calculation software:
- PV ELITE by Intergraph
- Nextgen by Sant’Ambrogio
- Finglow by Finglow
Finite element analysis software:
Thermal-hydraulic software:
In addition to the above commercial software, Belleli has also developed and validated in-house many calculation sheets specific for special design (i.e Screw-plug/Breech Lock H.Exchanger, Urea Equipment)
Belleli Energy CPE is equipped with a suitable water front connection, consisting in a private harbour with dimensions of 120 m width x 1200 m length, served by a river barge having a nominal loading capacity of 2000 Tons.
The harbour is equipped with:
- 78 m long loading quay
- 78 m long roll-on quay
- 2 derrick cranes, both systems permit to load components up to 2000 tons.
Higher capacities are possible with additional lifting equipment on a case by case basis.
The harbour is connected by channels and Po river to Porto Marghera (Venice).
Items handling from Belleli Energy CPE to the harbour is carried out by means of trucks and special handling/lifting equipment. The table below lists some of the most important Handling / Lifting available equipment:
MOBILE CRANES | 9 | Maximum Capacity: 30 Tons |
LIFTING JACKS | 8 | Maximum Capacity: 200 Tons |
4 | Capacity: 2.5 Tons | |
1 | Capacity: 14 Tons | |
1 | Capacity: 4 Tons | |
FORKLIFT TRUCKS | 1 | Capacity: 5 Tons |
1 | Capacity: 9 Tons | |
1 | Capacity: 3 Tons | |
SELF PROPELLED TRAILERS | 10 | Axes: from 2 to 10; Capacity: from 50 Tons to 750 Tons |
Personnel training and education
A comprehensive quality assurance approach, deemed necessary to afford the fabrication of critical equipment, should include also a specific personnel education in addition to the usually required training and qualification steps.
Being the very demanding material quality usually handled by our company, where the resulting quality is highly dependent from the welding conditions, it assumes a fundamental importance to rely also on the personnel responsiveness.
For the understanding of such dedicated approach it is necessary to better define the difference between ‘training’ and ‘education’.
Training implies the act of imparting a special skill to a person while education is a process of systematic learning that should develops a sense of judgment and reasoning for the people.
So the welders need to be educated to know which effect would have different welding parameters or interpass temperatures on the final quality rather than transferring to them only the ideal optimal parameters to be used (pure training)..
It is also for this reason that all our welders are trained an educated in our own welding school where after a suitable period of a theoretical and pratical welding course. Based upon a successful quality test, they are introduced in production under a full surveillance and assistance of an expert (Tutor) until they prove to have obtained the required skilness and they have endorsed the company quality approach.
Belleli till its foundation was deeply integrated within the territory from which mostly of the personnel has been taken out.
This is the reason why we are strictly cooperating with the local school authorities aimed to assist the student for their growing towards their future professional life.
In the last years a new project has been launched in Italy called “Progetto alternanza Scuola Lavoro” (School – work experience project).
Within such program each year many student belonging to professional or technological local schools took part to an education period in our facilities both in office unit and in production.
During that period, the students are supported by expert tutors to get the necessary knowledge of the different fabrications steps (design, planning, quality, shop floor conditions).
Since we had the opportunity to evaluate their capability, several of them have been then hired by the company.
Belleli, which is leader in the field of pressure equipment manufacturing, strong in its skills, provides its customers with its huge experience and knowledge also for activities to be carried out at site such as ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, modification of existing equipment that can also include improving performances, but also replacing parts of equipment such as the heat exchanger’s tube bundles, new nozzles installation on different types of equipment such as urea, replacing reactor’s internals etc. These activities are carried out by an internal skilled team used to work in compliance with the delivery and in the conditions that the circumstances such as those of the planned or extraordinary plant’s stop.
The Engineering department is able to offer qualified internal services not only for the preparation of material requisitions but also to support licensors in the drafting of FEED applied to process equipment with the preparation of technical data sheets, and thermal design up to finite element analysis (FEA) calculation.
The collaboration between the engineering department, the research and development department,and our workshop
allow us to offer to the most demanding clients also the mock-up service for the necessary tests.
Belleli has always been careful to follow its clients not only during the equipment manufacturing phases but also after its delivery by providing a dedicated spare parts service, always ready to listen to the customer’s needs and satisfy their requests.
Belleli, which is leader in the field of pressure equipment manufacturing, strong in its skills, provides its customers with its huge experience and knowledge also for activities to be carried out at site such as ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, modification of existing equipment that can also include improving performances, but also replacing parts of equipment such as the heat exchanger’s tube bundles, new nozzles installation on different types of equipment such as urea, replacing reactor’s internals etc..
These activities are carried out by an internal skilled team used to work in compliance with the delivery and in the conditions that the circumstances such as those of the planned or extraordinary plant’s shut down.
The Belleli engineering department is composed of a team of over 20 Engineers who work not only on proposal and executive engineering, but also offer services to EPC contractors and licensors who want to develop, modify and or study a new product.