To provide customized and technologically advanced solutions to customers, in relation to the design and operation of process equipment and on the project implementation timing, generating a positive impact for people and for the environment.
Safety is a primary value in carrying out all our activities. Belleli Energy is always committed to developing a culture of safety to ensure workers’ health.
Quality is the essence of our work. The company policy guarantees the continuous improvement of quality standards to meet the needs of high technology in the design and manufacture of critical process equipment.
We encourage the constant growth of staff skills, in order to meet customer needs with ever new and innovative technological solutions developed by our talents in the company.
From the origins to nowadays

We operate with the highest quality standards of the sector
Our Quality Policy aims to provide products and services that fully meet regulatory and customer requirements. The Belleli Energy CPE Quality Program focuses on the continuous improvement of its key processes, which are constantly monitored in order to achieve operational excellence.
In over 70 years of activity in the world market, Belleli has created and consolidated its reputation as a supplier of high quality products and services. In the 1970s it introduced the first Quality System for nuclear manufacturing. Belleli Energy CPE is now an ASME Nuclear Stamp Certificate holder. The quality management system of Belleli Energy CPE also complies with the standards ISO 9001, ASME Code Section VIII Div.1 & VIII Div.2 and with the European Directive for Pressure Equipment 2014/68/UE, as well as the Chinese and TR CU regulations for EAC marking. The company is periodically evaluated by ASME, Det Norske Veritas and by the Chinese and Russian delegations. As a result, several certifications have been obtained, which are listed below.
Our workshops
With a total area of 280,000 m², of which 60,000 m² covered (including offices and workshops), Belleli Energy CPE can count on one of the largest and best equipped production plants in Europe to meet the needs of its customers. Vast spaces, large production plants and favorable conditions for international transport, allow Belleli to satisfy all kind of requests for the construction of sophisticated process equipment of any weight and size. Belleli Energy CPE is equipped with a private dock of 120 m x 1200 m, served by a barge with a rated load capacity of 1,500 tons.
Also, Belleli has at its disposal:
- a 78 m long loading dock
- 78 m2 long ferry dock lifting cranes
both with load capacities up to 1,500 tons.
The port is connected by canals and the Po river to Porto Marghera (Venice).
Our team
PAOLO FEDELI – Chief Executive Officer of Belleli Energy CPE (IT) and Belleli Energy S.p.A. FZE (UAE)
CAPEX and Manufacturing Leader with extensive Knowledge both in Implementation and Consulting. Over the last 25 years Paolo has served in green chemistry, fertilizers, oil & gas, nuclear, power, mining and basic materials industries on a variety of strategy, commercial, project execution, M&A and organizational topics. Paolo has been managing Megaprojects both on the Investor and the Contractor’s side in the key global markets. Among present and previous past positions he has served as President CAPEX and Technology – Shareholder of Atlas Agro AG, Group Chief Projects Officer and Management Board member in Eurochem Group AG, Executive Project sponsor of AMW (Ansaldo, Mangiarotti-Westinghouse, Walter Tosto) Consortium for ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) Vacuum Vessel fabrication, Senior Advisor in Capital Productivity in Mc Kinsey & Co, Senior Vice President Commercial in Techint Engineering & Construction, Project Sponsor & Project Director in Tecnicas Reunidas SA.
With a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering, obtained with distinction, Paolo has published several Papers in International Process Engineering Literature, is a lecturer in Italian Business Schools and is a Member of Italian Council of Professional Engineers.
Paolo Has been elected in 2023 as President of Italian Association of Process Equipment producers (160+ Companies) and is Advisory Board member of AIN, Italian Association of Italian Nuclear Program stakeholders.
LUCA PIERFELICE – Direttore Finanziario
Nato nel 1975 si è laureato in Economia e Commercio presso l’Università “G. D’Annunzio” di Pescara – Chieti dove è stato ricercatore in Diritto Pubblico dal 1999 al 2000.
Nel 2001 è stato assunto come Revisore Contabile e Organizzatore Contabile presso Grant Thornton Consulting Group, Milano.
Dal 2002 è entrato in Walter Tosto Spa come Controller di Gestione.
Nel 2004 ha conseguito l’Abilitazione all’esercizio della professione di Dottore Commercialista e ha lavorato come Responsabile di Strategia in Walter Tosto fino al 2007. In seguito, è stato nominato Direttore Finanziario della società.
Diventa anche CFO delle società del Gruppo Tosto, Walter Tosto WTB (2013) e Belleli Energy CPE (2016).
GIACOMO FOSSATARO – Direttore Generale (Direttore Tecnico e Operativo)
Nato nel 1966, laureato in Ingegneria Meccanica al Politecnico di Milano.
In servizio presso la Walter Tosto SpA dal 1993, ha ricoperto la carica di Capo Ufficio Tecnico e Responsabile delle Attività di Montaggio fino al 1997. Un anno dopo è stato nominato Direttore Tecnico e Operativo nella stessa azienda.
Dal 2016 è Direttore Generale di Belleli dove ha la responsabilità principale della gestione delle attività operative, garantendo il pieno rispetto degli obblighi contrattuali, riferiti a standard di qualità, problematiche di acquisto e sicurezza dei prodotti.
FAUSTO FUSARI è Vice Presidente Tecnologia.
Fausto dopo un Master in Ingegneria della Saldatura ha iniziato la sua carriera come Ingegnere di Saldatura presso Belleli nel 1985 ed è stato nominato Responsabile Ingegneria di Saldatura nel 1989.
Ha poi ricoperto il ruolo di Direttore di Officina acquisendo ulteriore esperienza sulla tecnologia di fabbricazione di apparecchiature a pressione critica.
Dedica grandi contributi a lo sviluppo di nuovi materiali e tecnologie di saldatura/fabbricazione nel campo dei recipienti a pressione critica.
Tra l’altro è stato coinvolto in diverse ricerche e rapporti con lavori pubblicati, con una partecipazione attiva nei comitati API e in contatto diretto con i principali licenziatari.
NICOLA MAESTRI – Direttore di Produzione
Nato nel 1976, laureato in Ingegneria Meccanica presso l’Università Alma Mater Studiorum di Bologna nel 2003.
In Belleli Energy dal 2004, si è occupato di Controllo Qualità e Fabbricazione per poi diventare responsabile del Dipartimento QA & Welding Engineering fino al 2014.
Istituto Italiano di Welding lo certifica come International Welding Engineer e NDE Level 3 rispettivamente nel 2007 e nel 2008.
Dal 2014 al 2016 ha lavorato presso DANIELI & C., come Corporate NDE Lev 3 e QA Manager. Dal 2017 è Direttore di Produzione per lo Stabilimento di Mantova di Belleli Energy CPE.
SALVATORE PODDIGHE – Vice President of Engineering, Project Management and Sales
Salvatore, born in 1965, graduated with a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Brescia since 1990.
He started his career in 1991 at ATB Riva Calzoni as Pressure Vessel Sale Engineer.
He has worked 29 years in ATB with increasing responsibility such as Head of Pressure Vessel Business Unit, Oil & Gas Commercial Director and General Manager Operation of Heavy Equipment Division.
He has joined Belleli since May 2020 he is now in charge of Engineering, Project Management and Sales as a Vice President.
During his professional life, Salvatore has been actively involved with institutions, process licensors, raw material suppliers End users and EPC contractors to develop the latest and updated technology for manufacturing critical heavy wall Pressure Equipment.
LORENZO NOVELLINI – Head of Project Management
Born in 1980, he graduated with a Master degree in Industrial engineering in 2006 at the University of Parma (Italy).
Lorenzo join Belleli Energy CPE in 2006 as Buyer.
In the years he covered different functions in Belleli Energy CPE as Project manager, Sales engineer.
In 2012 he was nominated Sales and Marketing director.
Since 2019 he covers the role of Head of the Project Management and leads the company project Managers’ team.
GIULIO DEPETRI – Proposals Director
Born in 1981 and graduated in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Brescia.
In service at Belleli since 2006, he held the position of Design Engineer and Project Engineer until 2011, managing different projects in the Refining and Gasification business. After this period, he started a new career in the Commercial Dept. of Belleli as Sales Engineer.
In 2014 he was appointed Area Sales Manager, with main focus on Far East and Latin American markets.
Since 2016 he has been Proposals Director of Belleli where he has the main responsibility for managing all the tenders and the coordination of the whole estimation process, starting from design, up to material and manufacturing cost estimate, keeping a special focus on the compliance with Clients’ requirements and the main international standards.
DIEGO LAZZARI – Head of Sales
Born in Cremona in 1972, he graduated in Industrial Engineering, with a specialization in Energy.
He worked for companies specialized in the manufacturing of mechanical components and machinery with different technical and management roles and then moved into a commercial role in Maire Tecnimont, one of the most important EPC Contractors before starting to work for Belleli Energy, since 2012 as Proposal Manager and then joined the Belleli Energy CPE in 2016 as Area Sales Manager.
He currently holds the role of Head of Sales of the Mantua office.
Born in Verona in 1972, he graduated in Environmental Sciences at Ca Foscari University of Venice, specializing in Environmental Chemistry, and continued his studies achieving a master degree in Industrial Hygiene.
We worked for ABB and FIAMM Marelli Motori, Hitachi Chemical Company, Best Cheer Stone.
He’s been working for Belleli SPA since 2020. Expert in Industrial Hygiene, with over 20 years of experience, he has always managed the H&S area of complex high-risk processes: chemical, automotive and mining industries. He is currently both the H&S manager of the Mantua site, and the corporate H&S manager for the holding.